La maternelle:
the Preschool, Pre-K & Kindergarten program

Academic Program

The Preschool through Kindergarten curriculum adapts the French Ministry of Education’s official program to the bicultural and bilingual context. The overall goal is to allow children to grow in a happy environment where they will acquire a healthy desire for knowledge. The principal anchors of our program are:

> Developing communication skills through language (speech and comprehension) and through behavior in a social context
> Developing body and mind through physical education and artistic activities (dancing, singing, drawing, etc.)
> Enhancing interest and natural curiosity through field trips, hands-on projects, and group work


The French early learning system uses a three center approach for learning:

Direct Instruction
The teacher demonstrates an activity or task to a small group of students and instructs them on the steps to complete the activity.

Guided Instruction
Students work on an activity or task and receive assistance from the teacher or teacher’s aid when needed.

Autonomous Learning
Students work on an activity or task autonomously demonstrating their mastery of the skills.

Please see below for an example of what happens in our preschool, pre-kindergarten, and Kindergarten classes:


Language: oral and written
During the early years, building a strong oral understanding and expression in both languages is the main goal. At the end of Kindergarten,  students should be able to know each letter (read, sound and write) in French, and acquire basic reading skills in English. Students learn how to build sentences and are able to write a few words in cursive.

Students are immersed in a print rich environment. Children are encouraged to develop an appreciation for reading as they choose books by topic and genre at their campus’ library. Students study multiple works on a specific theme every unit.

Students learn to count, manipulate early mathematical concepts, understand and name shapes, and problem solve.

Exploring the World
Students discover science through the exploration of plants, animals, and the human body.
Students learn spatial awareness and concepts of time.

Physical Education
Students learn how to cooperate through team games. They fine tune their gross motor skills through running, obstacle courses, dance, and movement.

Music and Visual Arts
Students sing, learn the basics of rhythm and instruments. They also sharpen their listening skill through music appreciation.
Students practice their fine motor skills by using varied media such as painting, collage, drawing, fiber, sculpting, etc. Students also develop an early appreciation for art by studying artists and their various stylistic expressions, and participating in field trips to local art museums (e.g. LACMA, Norton Simon Museum, etc.)

Bilingual Focus

The “bilingual hour”: French and English teachers teach the same lesson together.
Writing to share: a publication written by students in French and English
Sign language (American and French mix): A bilingual environment tool to help English or French speaking children to communicate, understand, and express themselves to remove frustrations linked to language barrier.

WeLILA our Well-being program

We focus on ensuring that our students are “bien dans leur peau” which is loosely translated to “good in their skin.” To achieve this, our teachers include well-being methods within their pedagogic goals:
> Yoga: helps the children to relax and calm their nervous system; increases strength and flexibility; improves fine and gross motor skills; develops self-confidence and promotes a healthy, active lifestyle
> Mindfulness: breathing exercises, visualization, inner weather, express gratitude. Comforting areas in the classroom

A day in the life of a preschooler

Typical schedule (actual schedule may vary per campus)

Kindergarten Schedule
In kindergarten, students no longer nap. They have an extra period of study in the morning and eat lunch at a later time.

7:30am Daycare with indoor and/or outdoor activities
9:00am Bathroom/hand washing
9:05am Period 1 – Daily welcome: attendance, date, weather
9:35am Period 2 subject (see list above)
10:25am Recess – Snack time & outdoor play
10:50am Bathroom/hand washing
10:55am Period 3 subject (see list above)
11:40am Cleanup/hand washing
11:45am Lunch Time
12:30pm Naptime and/or quiet rest time
1:20pm Wake up time – bathroom/hand washing
1:25pm Period 4 subject (see list above)
2:20pm Recess – Snack time & outdoor play
2:30pm Bathroom/hand washing
2:35pm Period 5 subject (see list above)
3:30pm Dismissal/pick up
3:45pm-5:55pm Extended Daycare & After-school activities

The Artist in Residence Program

Pasadena Campus Web Radio Podcast

Los Feliz Dream Big Project


The International School of Los Angeles (LILA) has welcomed artists of various genres to work with our different campus communities on an artistic project in collaboration with students and faculty. The program is integral to the curriculum at LILA which exposes students to multiple world views, alternative ideas, and different viewpoints.

Each artist works over the course of a semester or year. They begin by working directly with the students in the classroom to introduce them to different artistic practices and to the creative process. They then collaborate with the entire campus community to develop a piece of art that will remain with the campus long-term.

Artists have often rotated through all five of our campuses for a truly collaborative, multi-campus project. Most recently, this has included the opportunity to work at our secondary campus in Burbank, where artists have brought their talents to the entire campus community or to the more focused art students in the high school.

Current and past artists have included Greg and Judith Beylerian, Florence Delva, Mileece, and Vincent Lamouroux, among others. Each artist has brought his/her own talents, interests, and creative process ranging from photography and mural to sonic and environmental. Several years ago, the School welcomed French author Laurent Moreau who worked with elementary students across all of LILA’s campuses on a project that culminated in a hand-painted mural. More recent projects have included an interactive outdoor eco-classroom that now resides on our Los Feliz campus as well as a school bus transformed into aninteractive forest. Both projects were supported by outside partners as well, including Miracle-Gro and Pacific Domes.

The Artist-in-Residence program is one that is cherished by our school community. Welcoming artists into the school world gives all parties involved – students, teachers, and artist – to learn from each other. There is an exchange of ideas, a questioning of one’s typical approach, and a broadening of understanding and viewpoint that can only be accomplished by full immersion in the artistic or creative process.


  • Expose students to artistic practices and to the creative process
  • Provide the community with a dedicated art project

Selection of Artists

A pedagogical team consisting of the Academic Director and Campus Directors, along with our secondary art teacher, makes a decision based on referrals from the community and clear possibilities of integration with the curriculum.

Examples of projects:

Pasadena Campus Web Radio Podcast

Los Feliz Dream Big Project

Behavior Redirection


LILA subscribes to positive reinforcement and guidance philosophy. The basis of behavioral redirection is fostering positive self-esteem through our WeLILA well being program. In the French context, it is important for the student to be able to function well with others in the classroom. Every instance of deviation is an opportunity to learn self regulation and exercise executive function. Conflict resolution, self-confidence, two-way communication, gratitude, and respect are important tools in the classroom.

When a child is feeling frustrated, angry, or stressed out, the teaching staff intervenes in a student-centered way. The child is given the opportunity to have a one on one conversation with the teacher to discuss his or her behavior. If this isn’t sufficient for the child to be able to regain control over his or her behavior, the teacher will allow the student to separate from the group to focus on breathing and regulating his or her emotions.  The child may be offered additional support such as having his or her hand held by the teacher. Sometimes, the child will be able to sit next to the teacher for the remainder of class and until he or she is ready to rejoin the group. This separation is not a punishment or “time-out”, rather it is a chance for the child to learn self-regulation.

One of the pedagogical tools used for behavior modification in  the classroom is the “respiration ball”. It is a sphere that the child expands and contracts in rhythm with his or her breathing. Our teachers are free to implement various well-being tools in their classrooms to prevent most behavioral issues, like musical yoga, mindfulness, and an “inside weather” chart that enables them to illustrate how they feel when they arrive at school.

If the child is having a hard time on a regular basis, the teacher will reach out to the parents. Constant communication between our staff and parents is the best way to make sure our students thrive at School.


Our Elementary Campuses

Los Feliz Campus

Los Feliz Main Campus (Pre-K-5th)

Los Feliz Early Learning Center (Preschool & Pre-K)

Grades: Preschool-5th grade
390 students
30 teachers

Year established: 1992 (longest-standing campus at same location)

Campus features:

Encompasses two locations: the main campus on Russell Avenue and the Early Learning Center on St. George Street
Classified as an historic-cultural monument by the City of Los Angeles (#553)
Original buildings designed by architect John Lautner
Sits on six acres on a hill above ABC Studios
All classrooms outfitted with a SMART Board
A well stocked dual language library (about 12,000 volumes & periodicals)
An art room
A multipurpose room for music, indoor after-school activities, etc.
Computer labs
2 playgrounds
A large field for soccer and other sports
Shaded outdoor lunch & reading areas
Learning garden within a larger community garden
TreeWe’vr Interactive Plant-Pod Dome
Culinary Arts Center

Key Staff:

Sarah Koa


Sarah Koa
Campus Director



Rebecca Wilkins
Early Learning Center Manager



Diana Vazquez
Business Manager

Distinctive features:

> Winterfest show every December showcasing preschool – 5th grade student performances

> 5th grade trip to Paris

> Annual LILApalooza year-end carnival brings together families from all campuses

After-school enrichment opportunities:

> Pint-sized mad science (science discovery)
> All about art (art class)
> Young ninjas
> Music (percussion, voice, etc.)
> Soccer
> Spanish
> Dance & theater
> Dancing with the LILA stars

Other enrichment opportunities:
> Adult (parent) French classes
> LILA Mini Club (parent & me French classes for toddlers)

Parents Association Events:

> Homeroom parent wine & cheese
> Back-to-school Fête à la maison event
> Fall parents’ night out
> Evening PA wine & cheese mixer
> Thanksgiving lunch
> Grandparents & community week
> End-of-year LILApalooza (carnival)

Pasadena Campus

Grades: Preschool-5th grade
125 students
13 teachers

Year established: 2006

Campus features:

11 classrooms outfitted with a SMART Board
A well stocked dual language library
An art room
A multipurpose room for music, indoor after-school activities, etc.
An auditorium
2 playgrounds
Shaded outdoor lunch & reading areas
Learning garden

Key Staff:


Benoît Forner
Campus Director



Camila Green
Business Manager

Notre campus au fil des ans

Écrit par Philippe Detzen – Directeur de campus

Il y a 20 ans, au milieu de l’existence de notre école, le LILA Pasadena se trouvait à Monrovia dans les soubassements d’une église. Il y avait uniquement trois classes : la maternelle de la petite section à la grande section, le CP/CE1 et la dernière qui regroupait les élèves du CE2 au CM2. Trois enseignants français, un enseignant américain, une personne pour l’administration ainsi qu’un surveillant géraient ce petit monde. C’était une petite communauté de 45 à 50 élèves. L’ambiance y était très familiale et il n’y avait aucun problème de parking.

Il n’en restait pas moins que les effectifs ne grandissaient pas et le rêve de Monique Mickus, une cofondatrice du LILA, était de faire naître un campus à Pasadena. Il faudra huit ans pour que cela devienne réalité. Pendant les dernières années à Monrovia, de nombreux projets ont vu le jour et durent encore tels que la sortie à Joshua Tree et le voyage en France. En 20 ans, une évolution normale a eu lieu et si beaucoup de choses ont changé le LILA est demeuré l’école très accueillante de ses débuts où l’éducation bilingue est au cœur de sa mission.

Distinctive features:

> The annual 3-day Joshua Tree camping Trip for K-5th grade families is a unique bonding and community-building experience for all
> Winterfest show every December showcasing preschool – 5th grade student performances
> 5th grade trip to Paris
LILA Pasadena Web Radio Podcast

Typical Field Trips:
> Underwood Farms
> California Science Center
> Norton Simon Museum
> Caltech

After-school enrichment opportunities:

> Pint-sized mad science (science discovery)
> Every child is an artist (art class)
> Young ninjas
> Music (percussion, etc.)
> Soccer
> Chess
> Musical theater
> Dancing with the LILA stars

Other enrichment opportunities:
> Adult (parent) French classes
> LILA Mini Club (parent & me French classes for toddlers)

Parents Association Events:

> Back-to-school wine & cheese mixer
> Joshua Tree camping trip
> Pasta night
> Dads cook-off
> Thanksgiving lunch
> Winterfest social
> Scholastic book fair
> Teachers cook-off
> Grandparents day
> End of school year kermesse (carnival)

Kindergarten students learning about California’s native plants during the annual Joshua Tree camping trip

West Valley Campus

Grades: Preschool-5th grade
115 students
11 teachers

Year established: 2003 (but is an offshoot of the School’s original home)

Campus features:

All classrooms outfitted with a SMART Board
A well-stocked dual language library with a full-time librarian
A media lab
A multipurpose room for music, indoor after-school activities, etc.
An artificial turf field for safe play
A basketball court
2 playgrounds
Shaded outdoor lunch areas
Learning garden

Key Staff:


Vincent Wiemann
Campus Director



Lourdes Harris
Business Manager

Distinctive features:

> The annual 2-day camping trip for families is a unique bonding and community-building experience for all
> Annual campus-wide participation in Bullying Prevention and Red Nose Day (to end child poverty)
> Winterfest show every December showcasing preschool – 5th grade student performances
> 5th grade trip to Paris
> International Day event, celebrating the diverse campus community
> Year-end assembly and ice cream social

After-school enrichment opportunities:

> Young ninjas
> Yoga
> Soccer
> Spanish
> Cooking with Mamy
> Tae Kwon Do
> Dino Robotics

Other enrichment opportunities:
> Adult (parent) French classes
> LILA Mini Club (parent & me French classes for toddlers)

Parents’ Association Events:

> Family movie night
> Crêpe sales
> Halloween festivities
> Thanksgiving lunch
> Winterfest coffee
> International Day
> Grandparents’ day
> Wine & Cheese event (La guinguette)

Students and faculty members celebrating our diverse community during the annual International Day festivities

Enrichment, Extracurricular Activities, and Camps

After-School Art Classes Budding artists working on their masterpieces.

Enrichment & Extracurricular Activities

The School prides itself on fulfilling the goal of educating and developing the whole person. The School’s extracurricular department offers enriching activities for all ages.

Students have the opportunity to expand their learning by participating in classes spanning the spectrum from yoga to dino robotics.  A few examples are:

Art classes


Choir & music classes

Cooking classes

Fiber arts

Language classes

Robotics & design classes

Various physical activities including group sports

3 happy preschool campers on a field trip to Underwood Farms during Ecole du Soleil camp.

School Break Camps

During school breaks, the School is proud to enhance students’ school life through various camps and trips. These include:

Art Camp

Circus Camp

Science Camp

Sports Camp

Summer Break Camp:

Ecole du Soleil hosted at our Los Feliz campus every summer, is open to all incoming preschool – 5th grade students as well as students from other schools, for more details visit

Parents’ Associations & Testimonials


A Treasure in the Sand!

“I stumbled upon LILA in West Valley like a treasure in the sand! The most important aspect of our child’s education is to prepare her for a diverse global marketplace. As a preschooler, she speaks Spanish and I was exploring how to set her up to learn a third language. LILA has a warm community of teachers and parents working together to provide an excellent program for ALL students. The very best thing about LILA is that in addition to learning a new language, our family is learning and embracing a new culture. We didn’t even have to get on an airplane!!!”

Susana G.
West Valley Campus Parent

International School of Los Angeles

Susana G.
West Valley Campus Parent

“I stumbled upon LILA in West Valley like a treasure in the sand! The most important aspect of our child’s education is to prepare her for a diverse global marketplace. As a preschooler, she speaks Spanish and I was exploring how to set her up to learn a third language. LILA has a warm community of teachers and parents working together to provide an excellent program for ALL students. The very best thing about LILA is that in addition to learning a new language, our family is learning and embracing a new culture. We didn’t even have to get on an airplane!!!”

the Teachers are fabulous!

“My kids go to LILA in West Valley and we couldn’t be happier with the school, teachers and administration. We love how small the school is and the teachers are fabulous. Our kids study all subjects in French and picked up the language so quickly. We don’t speak French at home and that hasn’t been an issue. Their English reading and writing is going well, too. We are very happy with the education they are getting. I highly recommend LILA!”

Trisha G
West Valley Campus Parent

International School of Los Angeles

Trisha G
West Valley Campus Parent

“My kids go to LILA in West Valley and we couldn’t be happier with the school, teachers and administration. We love how small the school is and the teachers are fabulous. Our kids study all subjects in French and picked up the language so quickly. We don’t speak French at home and that hasn’t been an issue. Their English reading and writing is going well, too. We are very happy with the education they are getting. I highly recommend LILA!”

An amazing and beautifully cultivating educational experience!

“Our kids have been attending for 7 years now. While no place is perfect, we’ve found the school to be an amazing and beautifully cultivating educational experience for our kids.
It’s not easy to get in and we consider ourselves very lucky. The community there is fantastic and we’re finding parents we absolutely adore. I highly recommend you visit the school and see for yourself. We love it there and couldn’t recommend it more highly!”

Pat H.
Los Feliz Campus Parent

International School of Los Angeles

Pat H.
Los Feliz Campus Parent

“Our kids have been attending for 7 years now. While no place is perfect, we’ve found the school to be an amazing and beautifully cultivating educational experience for our kids. It’s not easy to get in and we consider ourselves very lucky. The community there is fantastic and we’re finding parents we absolutely adore. I highly recommend you visit the school and see for yourself. We love it there and couldn’t recommend it more highly!”

our son is becoming a bilingual, compassionate, and independent member of the global community!

“As a teacher myself, I have a very discerning eye when it comes to evaluating an academic environment; LILA - Los Feliz is truly 5 star in every category. My son is happy and enthusiastic about his experience. The after school programs are also great - we do Tae Kwon Do, Art, and Chess. The teachers are so dedicated and skilled. We are not a French speaking family, but we are thrilled that our son is becoming a bilingual, compassionate, and independent member of the global community!”

Cassy C
Los Feliz Campus Parent

International School of Los Angeles

Cassy C
Los Feliz Campus Parent

“As a teacher myself, I have a very discerning eye when it comes to evaluating an academic environment; LILA - Los Feliz is truly 5 star in every category. My son is happy and enthusiastic about his experience. The after school programs are also great - we do Tae Kwon Do, Art, and Chess. The teachers are so dedicated and skilled. We are not a French speaking family, but we are thrilled that our son is becoming a bilingual, compassionate, and independent member of the global community!”

A wonderful diverse environment for learning

“Our boys attended this school from 2012-2017, they ‘grew up’ so happily here. It’s a wonderful diverse environment for learning and community. Although we speak limited French at home they emerged as bilingual; more importantly as boys who are open, accepting, worldly wise and curious. This school and the learning experience it offers will stay with you forever.”

Ruth A.
Pasadena Campus Parent

International School of Los Angeles

Ruth A.
Pasadena Campus Parent

“Our boys attended this school from 2012-2017, they ‘grew up’ so happily here. It’s a wonderful diverse environment for learning and community. Although we speak limited French at home they emerged as bilingual; more importantly as boys who are open, accepting, worldly wise and curious. This school and the learning experience it offers will stay with you forever.”

This school is probably one of the best things what happened to us.

“We have a seven-year-old son in LILA Pasadena. This school is probably one of the best things what happened to us. If you are looking for a visionary educator as a principal of the school with highly educated teachers if you are looking to raise a world-class educated, multilingual and assertive child… well, you should enroll to LILA Pasadena now.”

Viktor R.
Pasadena Campus Parent

International School of Los Angeles

Viktor R.
Pasadena Campus Parent

“We have a seven-year-old son in LILA Pasadena. This school is probably one of the best things what happened to us. If you are looking for a visionary educator as a principal of the school with highly educated teachers if you are looking to raise a world-class educated, multilingual and assertive child… well, you should enroll to LILA Pasadena now.”
International School of Los Angeles

Parents’ Associations

Our parent community gives generously of its time, helping to make our school the inspiring place that it is.

From serving as Parents’ Association officers to manning booths at the various events held throughout the year, our parents are key in developing the wonderful sense of connectedness at our school and in our community.


A Treasure in the Sand!

“I stumbled upon LILA in West Valley like a treasure in the sand! The most important aspect of our child’s education is to prepare her for a diverse global marketplace. As a preschooler, she speaks Spanish and I was exploring how to set her up to learn a third language. LILA has a warm community of teachers and parents working together to provide an excellent program for ALL students. The very best thing about LILA is that in addition to learning a new language, our family is learning and embracing a new culture. We didn’t even have to get on an airplane!!!”

Susana G.
West Valley Campus Parent

International School of Los Angeles

Susana G.
West Valley Campus Parent

“I stumbled upon LILA in West Valley like a treasure in the sand! The most important aspect of our child’s education is to prepare her for a diverse global marketplace. As a preschooler, she speaks Spanish and I was exploring how to set her up to learn a third language. LILA has a warm community of teachers and parents working together to provide an excellent program for ALL students. The very best thing about LILA is that in addition to learning a new language, our family is learning and embracing a new culture. We didn’t even have to get on an airplane!!!”

the Teachers are fabulous!

“My kids go to LILA in West Valley and we couldn’t be happier with the school, teachers and administration. We love how small the school is and the teachers are fabulous. Our kids study all subjects in French and picked up the language so quickly. We don’t speak French at home and that hasn’t been an issue. Their English reading and writing is going well, too. We are very happy with the education they are getting. I highly recommend LILA!”

Trisha G
West Valley Campus Parent

International School of Los Angeles

Trisha G
West Valley Campus Parent

“My kids go to LILA in West Valley and we couldn’t be happier with the school, teachers and administration. We love how small the school is and the teachers are fabulous. Our kids study all subjects in French and picked up the language so quickly. We don’t speak French at home and that hasn’t been an issue. Their English reading and writing is going well, too. We are very happy with the education they are getting. I highly recommend LILA!”

An amazing and beautifully cultivating educational experience!

“Our kids have been attending for 7 years now. While no place is perfect, we’ve found the school to be an amazing and beautifully cultivating educational experience for our kids.
It’s not easy to get in and we consider ourselves very lucky. The community there is fantastic and we’re finding parents we absolutely adore. I highly recommend you visit the school and see for yourself. We love it there and couldn’t recommend it more highly!”

Pat H.
Los Feliz Campus Parent

International School of Los Angeles

Pat H.
Los Feliz Campus Parent

“Our kids have been attending for 7 years now. While no place is perfect, we’ve found the school to be an amazing and beautifully cultivating educational experience for our kids. It’s not easy to get in and we consider ourselves very lucky. The community there is fantastic and we’re finding parents we absolutely adore. I highly recommend you visit the school and see for yourself. We love it there and couldn’t recommend it more highly!”

our son is becoming a bilingual, compassionate, and independent member of the global community!

“As a teacher myself, I have a very discerning eye when it comes to evaluating an academic environment; LILA - Los Feliz is truly 5 star in every category. My son is happy and enthusiastic about his experience. The after school programs are also great - we do Tae Kwon Do, Art, and Chess. The teachers are so dedicated and skilled. We are not a French speaking family, but we are thrilled that our son is becoming a bilingual, compassionate, and independent member of the global community!”

Cassy C
Los Feliz Campus Parent

International School of Los Angeles

Cassy C
Los Feliz Campus Parent

“As a teacher myself, I have a very discerning eye when it comes to evaluating an academic environment; LILA - Los Feliz is truly 5 star in every category. My son is happy and enthusiastic about his experience. The after school programs are also great - we do Tae Kwon Do, Art, and Chess. The teachers are so dedicated and skilled. We are not a French speaking family, but we are thrilled that our son is becoming a bilingual, compassionate, and independent member of the global community!”

A wonderful diverse environment for learning

“Our boys attended this school from 2012-2017, they ‘grew up’ so happily here. It’s a wonderful diverse environment for learning and community. Although we speak limited French at home they emerged as bilingual; more importantly as boys who are open, accepting, worldly wise and curious. This school and the learning experience it offers will stay with you forever.”

Ruth A.
Pasadena Campus Parent

International School of Los Angeles

Ruth A.
Pasadena Campus Parent

“Our boys attended this school from 2012-2017, they ‘grew up’ so happily here. It’s a wonderful diverse environment for learning and community. Although we speak limited French at home they emerged as bilingual; more importantly as boys who are open, accepting, worldly wise and curious. This school and the learning experience it offers will stay with you forever.”

This school is probably one of the best things what happened to us.

“We have a seven-year-old son in LILA Pasadena. This school is probably one of the best things what happened to us. If you are looking for a visionary educator as a principal of the school with highly educated teachers if you are looking to raise a world-class educated, multilingual and assertive child… well, you should enroll to LILA Pasadena now.”

Viktor R.
Pasadena Campus Parent

International School of Los Angeles

Viktor R.
Pasadena Campus Parent

“We have a seven-year-old son in LILA Pasadena. This school is probably one of the best things what happened to us. If you are looking for a visionary educator as a principal of the school with highly educated teachers if you are looking to raise a world-class educated, multilingual and assertive child… well, you should enroll to LILA Pasadena now.”
International School of Los Angeles

Admissions Process


Becoming part of our community is as simple as 1, 2, 3.

  1. The first step is to book a tour of our campus so that we may become better acquainted with your family and so that you may have the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of our French-English bilingual curriculum.
  2. Once you have decided that the International School of Los Angeles is a great fit for your family, simply fill out the online application.
  3. After applying, prospective students and their families are interviewed. Upon receiving an offer, simply follow the instructions and complete the online enrollment form.

Eligibility requirements:

  • All incoming students must be potty trained before start of school
  • All required supporting documents must have been received by the School
  • All students must be current on state required immunizations before the start of school

Tuition & Fees for 2022-2023:

Preschool & Pre-Kindergarten Tuition:
Paid in 11 installments: $1,854/month or $20,395/year
Prepaid: $19,895

Kindergarten Tuition:
Paid in 11 installments: $2,014/month or $22,150/year
Prepaid: $22,150

Fees for all new students:
New Family Fee (one time per family): $1,500
Registration Fee: $750
Tuition Guarantee: $325
Elementary Materials Fee: $275
Administrative Fee: $40 

… we’re celebrating a history that is rich in people, rich in stories, and rich in connections.”

… nous célébrons aussi un parcours riche de personnes, riche d’histoires, de connexions multiples et de liens indéfectibles.”

Thank you for your interest in our early learning program.

If you have any questions we can always be reached at

Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy as to Students

The International School of Los Angeles admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.