Annual Fund
Enhancing Our Bilingual Footprint.
We are excited to launch this year’s Annual Fund. You can read more about this year’s efforts below.
We hope that you will help us in enhancing our bilingual footprint and give as generously as you can.
Every gift is important. Please join us!
Michele Khateri, Director of Advancement
To donate please click here >
To fill out a pledge form click here >
2016-17 Statistics >

Three areas of emphasis to fortify our bilingual program:
- heure bilingue enhancements
- STEM implementation
- section internationale américaine (SIA) development
Click here to download this year’s Annual Fund mailer >

Heure bilingue / Bilingual Hour
Heure bilingue was implemented last year to hone students’ metalinguistic skills. All 45 elementary classes now benefit from one bilingual hour per week during which French and English teachers collaborate to strengthen students’ ability to work between and across languages. Heure bilingue plays a key role in our students becoming not only bilingual but bicultural as well.
“I like Bilingual Hour because it’s so much fun. Both teachers are there. If I forget a word in English, I can switch to French. It helps me talk to all of my friends.”
– Luc T. G., 1st grade Student at West Valley
First introduced in 3rd grade, STEM is taught in English while incorporating themes from the French science program. Adding a bilingual dimension to this initiative supports English learning and encourages the transfer of skills between languages. With 3rd and 4th grade now engaged in STEM, our goal is to expand this offering to 5th grade in 2017-18.
“STEM class is fun and interesting. I learned about potential and kinetic energy and we got to do cool experiments making rollercoasters. It’s good to learn about these things if you want to be a scientist when you grow up.”
– Sophie O., 3rd grade Student at Los Feliz

Section Internationale Américaine
As the first school in North America to offer the section internationale américaine (SIA) in middle school we are proud to have this year’s 9th graders taking the diplôme national du brevet mention internationale (DNB-I). We are seeking SIA accreditation for elementary and high school to have our students’ bilingual and bi-cultural aptitude formally recognized by French credentials and enable the option internationale du baccalauréat (OIB) in 12th grade.
“It is a great privilege to be able to pioneer the DNB-I. The International Brevet will open many more doors for us than the regular brevet and we are the first to have this amazing opportunity!”
– Francis B., 9th grade Student at Burbank
Top Reasons to Donate
1. International schools have higher operating costs.
2. We receive NO outside assistance from government sources.
3. Fundraising helps cover the cost of general operating expenses and campus improvements.
4. All other private schools fundraise.
5. 100% Participation is very important.
6. It’s for our students!
7. It’s tax deductible.
Read more >
To donate please click here >
2016-2017 Annual Fund Statistics
Updated April 10, 2017 @12:35pm
LILA Wide Goal
Yvonne Alvardo, Co-Chair
Carolyn Caldera-De Fanti, Co-Chair
Burbank Goal
Ignace Lahoud, Campus Co-Chair
Isabelle Lahoud, Campus Co-Chair
Los Feliz Goal
Stephen Salinger, Campus Co-Chair
Lisa Schulz, Campus Co-Chair
Orange Goal
Alan Kerr, Campus Co-Chair
Sharyn Kerr, Campus Co-Chair
Pasadena Goal
Jennie Chang, Campus Co-Chair
Marie-Laure Goepfer, Campus Co-Chair
West Valley Goal
Steven Cook, Campus Chair